She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

The women's ministry of First Baptist desire to share the love of Jesus through outreach and minister to the needs of women. This ministry hopes to  help women develop their God-given potential as persons of value in their homes, church, and community, and aspires to encourage them in creative service under the Holy Spirit's leadership. 

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Wednesdays (10:00 AM - 11:30 AM)
Dates: September 4, 2024 - December 4, 2024
"The Life of Joseph"
There are no accidents.
Joseph's life--his journey from slavery to leadership, his faith, his wisdom, his capacity for forgiveness--all serve as a remarkable testament to God's sovereignty.
JOIN US Wednesday mornings to not only learn from Joseph's miraculous life, but to marvel at the God who planned it all.
MOMS WITH KIDS: We will be offering a kid's bible lesson time Wednesday (10:00AM-11:30AM). Sign them up!

Wednesday Evening Bible Study

Wednesdays (6:30 PM - 8:00 PM)
Dates: September 4, 2024- December 4, 2024
Materials Fee: $10
"Minor Prophets: Restoring an Attitude of Wonder & Worship, by Warren Wiersbe"
The Minor Prophets are anything but minor. Spanning 450 years, these writings offer a revealing look into the character, nature, and heart of God. Based on six (of 12) Minor Prophets--Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Malachi--this study offers a rich perspective on how God's plans and purposes intersect in the lives of His People... both then and today.
JOIN US Wednesday evenings to connect God's word, through Minor Prophets, with your life in a major way, here and now.
FAMILIES WITH TEENS: Bring your teenagers to Youth Group (6:15 PM - 8:30 PM) while you go to Bible Study Wednesday night!

Womens Prayer Hour

Join us at the church at 11 AM every Tuesday morning for a time of prayer and fellowship

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